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Old 08-24-06, 06:26 AM   #1
I have a lot to learn...
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Posts: 9,740
From: Life.
Do concepts/thoughts exist?


I was having a conversation today with this girl from work and it eventually came to a halt when we reached this question. I was talking about how we should not consider ourselves seperate from the universe (long story, I won't go into it), then It went like...

Me: Look at this brick. It's as much me as my hand is.
Her: What about business. Are you business?
Me: What is business?
Her: Business is business.
Me: I guess im not business... BUT, I am a piece of paper with writing on it, I am a man wearing a suit, I am money, I am a table... "Business" doesn't exist.
Her: Well how are we talking about it?
Me: It is a concept... Like... ummm... (at this point I was in a line waiting for food, and there was a notice nearby about fathers day)... Fathers day.
Her: Fathers day exists.
Me: Does it? When you can bring fathers day to me, and show it to me, I will believe that it exists.
Her: It exists in here. (She pointed to her head)
Me: Hmmm... Fathers day isnt in your head, your brain is just made of matter, impulses and chemicals. But fathers day IS in your head...
Her: So that means it does exist?
Me: I don't know... Its a concept, concepts are thoughts. Do thoughts exist?

Me & Her: wtf?

So... What? Do they exist? I can't figure it out. My brain says they don't exist, but if no concepts exist how can my brain even be thinking of the concept of the non-existence of concepts?
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