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Old 08-25-06, 09:07 PM   #127
The story goes. Bill, B.
Posts: 1,954
From: Exit 7A

*sigh* I guess I'll add to this. I read about 4 pages and got bored. Anyway I feel what Ys is saying, but with most of his 'garbage' you can blantantly tell it is a joke. Like with 'My Band' it was made in response to critics saying that D12 was only successful because of Em. Now instead of going to the magazines and such, he got them together and made a satirical song playing along with the idea. Or with Ass Like That. He said himself that he used Triumpph because 1,. He punched it at that one award show, and 2, Anythin Triumph said gets laughed at, no matter how offensive or hurtful, because it's a puppet and taken as a joke regardless. So he took Triumph and said the most degrading shit he could about womne, knowing that it'd be taken as a joke. But for every 'stupid' song, there's a Rock Bottom. Or Encore. Or Yellow Brick Road. I like him because he has a humourous side, and a real side. I know I sometimes do a 'stupid' song, but those make me happy. When I'm pissed or whatever I'll throw on a song I recorded about flying monkeys and bananas and I'll say 'What the fuck was I on?' and laugh. Not all hip hop hasto sound 'underground' or have the best lyrics or vocab. As long as it makes the listener feel what the writer felt when they wrote it. Now I don't think Em is the best, partly because there can be no 'best', and because I haven't heard every rapper ever. But in my experiences with Em's songs I think he's great and love his music, even to the point that I got into writing, seeing how people will sometimes take to a nonsense song like 'Real Slim Shady' or 'My Name Is' or something.
You probably know me as LFS.
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