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Old 08-26-06, 05:20 AM   #2
I have a lot to learn...
Terumoto's Avatar
Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Serbness: Why? What are you breaking into some cunts house for? A bit of extra cash and some other crap? Instead of working so hard and wasting so much time planning this thing and executing the plan for some measly amount, why not get yourself a job (aka a steady income)?

The way I look at it, is if you dont want it done to you, dont do it. Even selling drugs is better than robbing a house. Cause think about it... I wouldnt mind a dude dealing me drugs. I would actually like that. But some punk kid breaking into my house, and taking everything valuable? Shit is just low. It's not the stuff being gone that bothers me, its the fact that some lazy dumbass actually came into my own home and fucked with my shit. I've been robbed a couple of times, its just annoying. You have to call the police and all that crap... Its so troublesome.

So if you wouldnt mind someone breaking into your house and taking all of the things with value, then go right ahead.

Originally Posted by TeamOne
^^^^^ i know, fuckin white people........ this is the one case where i will agree that i hate white people for this...... they do the absolutely MOST dumbest/scariest/unsafest shit just to get their blood pumpin and to get a rush...... WAT THE FUCK IS THAT SHIT?!?! i dont like the feelin of "man, i coulda almost died today" ..... i mean, u hear young black kids in the ghetto sayin that shit to themselves all the time..... but their reaction aint "OH, Lets do it AGAIN!"

....... fuckin crackers

Have I ever done anything wrong to you? Nope. Niether have 99.99999999% of other white people, for that matter...

So why insult them? When every single white person in the world has done something bad to you, then you can address white people in general terms.

Thats like me seeing a black guy rape a 9 year old girl, and then going "Yeah, I hate those damn niggers. You never see white people raping little girls, but those fuckin blacks always do it."
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