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Old 08-26-06, 07:13 AM   #5
Posts: 1,091

At least you ain't stupid enough to break into random houses without knowing more about the person living in it. Many, many years ago, some stupid ass tried breaking in through a window using a brick from the garden in the middle of the night and my dad heard him and scared him off. I did know a kid that had his house broken into, but he was stupid enough to let everyone know they were going on vacation and were even packing up their minivan out on the driveway. No surprise there.

As the saying goes, a man's home is his castle.. if you are dumb enough to break into the wrong house, and the homeowner is at home and you get blasted by a handgun, or even better, a shotgun loaded with buckshot, I'm going to just laugh at you when I read about it on the news. Darwinism at it's finest.
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