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Old 08-26-06, 01:24 PM   #129
ILL GRAMMATIX... any other questions?
ILL GEE's Avatar
Posts: 1,335
From: ATL..still reppin' NYC

Originally Posted by Thoth
this might be the stupidest thing i've ever read..first thing is first..when it comes to lyrical ability..mos def isn't even in the picture...talib kweli is a good lyricist..but even he doesn't compare to the greatest of lyricists..i love black star..mos and talib seperate..but not for their lyricism..for different reasons...and how the fuck can you say you have all of commons albums...and than turn around and say.."He SEEMS like a sissy hippie"...first off...if you have all his either think he is..or you don't...he doesn't seem like anything....secondly...i know for a fact you're lying of you turn and say that common is on that love shit all the time..i'm pretty sure all you do is hear common on the radio...and see specific songs...and just decided that he seems like a sissy hippie.....i gurantee you eminem raps more about love than's just rooted in anger...sorry if i'd rather listen to something i can relate too 90% of the time...than i can relate to 20% of the time...i don't have a daughter..i don't have a wife that cheats on me named kim...i don't feel a need to boast about my prejudices...and i don't feel like commiting various acts of violence that would obviously lead to sadistic murder on anyone.......

and i can guarantee you..common, and canibus both...have way more thought provoking songs, than eminem will ever have...

and whoever said canibus writes poetry and doesn't a fucking could make a general ass statement like that to just about everyone...i want you to find the definition of rap..and definition of poetry...and show me how you can justify saying he doesn't rap..and don't ever say some stupid shit like..a lot of his fans have to look shit up to fully understand what he's talking you know a lot of his fans? or you the canibus fan club spokesman? no, you speak for yourself...and maybe a few others..but in no way do you ever speak for an entire group of people...immortal technique is pretty much impossible to fully understand without taking a course in political science...does that make him less of a rapper?

not to said people assume that canibus is smarter than that's a valid point? anyone who likes an artist because they think they have a higher iq..or are better a fuckiing retard..and their opinion doesn't matter

i agree with most of your post but saying that bolded part is like saying... "anyone who likes an artist just because they can express themselves differently and intelligently and still convey the same message as an underground artist who bases his song on profanities and degeradation is a retard"...

people like things for different reasons... i like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches... some one else might like them too... but i may say the jelly makes it better while the other says that peanut butter makes it better... bottom line is... we both like the damn sandwich... so it's pointless to argue over it if both parties is gon' eat the shyt regardless... same with music!


"real recognize real but still others remain jaded
believing bullshit accounts of how "so-and-so" made it
there's a formula for gimmick emcees that are over-rated:
wackness created... payola paid it... and radio overplayed it"
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