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Old 08-28-06, 12:21 AM   #23
Peg Citys Finest
Hard-Cor's Avatar
Posts: 139
From: Peg city

fo once i agree with serb but the only reason he's right is cuz canda gang from whit to black azn to native. to any thing is because they listen to rap they wanna be hard so you know what they take it one step to far. i hate it when a bunch of kids from like a nice part of town were all there daddys are doctors they get a gang going and this shit is retarded

don't get me wrong i aint blaming rap but it cuz these stupid hoes don't listen to lyrics they hear "i live in the hood im hard" or "my gang will stomp any other gang" they don't see that the rappers didn't like the life they lived, and presonally if i lived in a hood i wouldn't like my life either

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U can't Touch tha Untouchble
Break tha Unbreackable
Shake tha Unshakeable
Move tha Unmovealble
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