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Old 08-28-06, 06:00 PM   #30
Posts: 6,909
From: Chicago, IL

Originally Posted by Terumoto
America is one of the crappiest places around! I would never want to live there... The majority of states have so many like shit areas and crime-filled areas. As well as most people there are so selfish and dumb... There's actually a problem with OVER consumption... I mean wtf? Thats the stupidest thing ive ever seen. When did society screw up so bad that people rarely move and always consume? Places like africa are struggling with malnourishment and infectious diseases, and the US struggles with obesity and lifestyle diseases... What a dumbass country.

Shit is on the rise in europe as well... Lame.

Another thing I dont understand is people bragging about being from a shitty area. "Yo, my hood is so bad people get murdered and robbed here everyday and shit and theres a gang on every block."

Its like, whoa, congratulations. Your parents failed at life and wound up in some shit hole, raising the product of an expired condom. Now you had to grow up in a poor, crappy neighbourhood, and are destined to live a dead-end life. Anyone who is in that situation for REAL, doesnt go around bragging about that shit. They try and gtfo of there.

It's not about it being a crappy area, it's sort of a proof of strength. Like yeah I live in this area and I have my head up high and I'm surviving. I'm a strong person type shit. Whereas if you take someone from a very good area, with pink and yellow flowers along the sidewalks and lollypops raining from the the cotton candy clouds, then it's less likely to be evidense of survival. Think of it as life weights that you lift. The heavier load you carry the stronger you are. If you can't brag about where you live don't brag about how much you can lift. Cause where you live is MUCH heavier than the weights. And America made me. So insult my country and you insult me.
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