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Old 08-29-06, 03:10 AM   #15
I have a lot to learn...
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Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Originally Posted by Apexx
look anywhere around you. look at any patern found in nature. billions of plants replicate, yet they're all the same - no one has to tell them,no one hasto teach them, or paint them. the same numer of leaves, same number of ridges on each leaf etc all coded into each seed. every tree has rings to mark each year. all birds are inherently sensitive to mangnetic fields which guide them in flight. every natural eco system has a balance and every organism plays an equally important role toward keeping that balance. the golden ratio is found in everything from a sea shell to the human body, to a spiral galaxy. etc etc etc etc nothing is random.

i could go on and on. there is no chaos, only order. everything happens for a reason. when it fulfills that reason you call it chaos. why? because you don't understand why it happens.

You can clone a plant by taking some clippings and putting them in soil. But is the new plant exactly the same as the parent plant? Of course not. Sure, two trees might have the same leaf structure or something. But are any two leaves on either plant the same? Even on the same plant? What is more chaotic than the placement of leaves on a tree? What could possibly be more random than that? They just... happen... No scientist can determine exactly what a seed will look like as a tree, even if they have deeply studied that species of tree and the effect of external factors on phenotype. They might have a general idea, but they still wont know.

Rings in the trunk... What about the number of rings? Is there order in how long a tree lives?

How could there be no chaos? Forget chaos being a bad thing, thats just some conception we made. Chaos is wherever you look. You existing is chaotic. wtf are you doing there at this time in that place? What are you in the universe? If you took a picture (not in the two-dimensional sense) of every single thing that exists right at this moment... Where is the order in that?

"Well obviously this happened and that happened meaning this chemical reaction occured causing this to be there, and that car was there in the street because that woman was going grocery shopping and her hand is near her face because she was about to scratch her head and that bird was here because of this and that leaf was slanted because of the speed and direction of the wind etc etc etc"

But why? Why were things exactly like that in exactly the right conditions to produce that exact snapshot of the universe? There is no reason why... Things are just there. You can make a reason why, but whats the reason for that reason to be there? If you follow that path of logic you'll end up at the beginning of the universe. What began the universe? Well if you're a big bang person, a big bang created the universe. A random bang in non-existence, completely arbitrarily coming out of infinite nothingness and eternal void, just BANG out of nowhere creating the universe.

Of course, we dont know what began the universe. But you get my point... hopefully. -_-

By the way, how could you or I understand why something happens?
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