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Old 09-01-06, 10:42 AM   #18
The Gladiator
Light Weight
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Posts: 307

Originally Posted by Wordz Ahgod
so ...your hoping some one'll just hand you the shit in a silver platter with out you even attempting to work for it? How does that make you the most hardest working muthafucka that I'll ever see in my pathetic so called life?
Bitch ...Im a Marine and I know what the fuck hard work is and what its not. You would pee your little retarded slacking ass off if some one would just brief you on some of the things I had to go through just in boot camp and combat training have no standers and if you do. they low as fuck. School will not determine who you become though. Honestly just coz school sucks for you does not mean that you have to stop caring and hope for the best. you got to care about your self enough to know that where you will be in five years which goes by really fast in the where you want to be not where your hoping they will put you. Do you want to be the kid that bitches about everything or are you going to be the kid that fixs shit on your own with out being told? if your the first one then Im glad I wont see you in My Corps. man. We dont need people like that making shit harder on every one else. Respect yourself enough to do some thing.

i was refferring to the other 2 having a pathetic life if u can pay attention 2 what u read...oh yea will i guess that 2pac and eminem and all the others that made it somewhere without school didnt have standards then
why dont u go and tell them that shit see what type of response u get back
and i CANT join the marines...and i aint complainin i was just getting it off my chest..for how long was i on this site and u never knew this shit till now
all of a sudden im complainin get the fuck outta here
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