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Old 09-01-06, 10:45 AM   #19
The Gladiator
Light Weight
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Posts: 307

Originally Posted by strobe
That is pretty sad that the teachers and doctors nowadays just give up on a kid and use the ADD excuse for why they aren't doing well in school. Years ago, I've heard that if you ever wanted to do law enforcement type work like being a FBI agent, if you ever got put on ritalin, you were automatically disqualified. It's funny that a few years back, they had commercials by the drug companies for adults with ADD, and there were like 5 questions on a website and if you answered yes or maybe to a couple of them, the site will tell you to go see a doctor.

I'm sure there are lots of people like you who can't pay attention in class when something isn't interesting. Hell, I couldn't read a textbook and recall what I've read a few minutes later, and it takes me forever to finish a page, but give me a good story book, I can finish that in a night.. The only advice I can give is prove it to them that you are normal by actually trying. Or maybe consider doing vocational type stuff if that interests you.

yea EXACTLY it too bad u the only person that has enough common sense ta know what im talkin pill can make u give a shit bout sumthin u dont like...its just the attitude that a person has ta change which is hard wit that type of shit
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