Thread: Tomborrow
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Old 09-01-06, 03:05 PM   #1
New to RV
Posts: 82


Rheologist formulas and infantile injections
Times the only antidote to miles of tension
Suprise; its demented, the human peridium
Wrong choices create a delusion of innocence
The sinners gist, a degree-holding chutist kid
Pushing others off edges; knowing ruthlessness
Abusiveness, neolithic practices modernized
They take possession of amethyst that offers lies
Often dies, deliquesced into darker malfeasance
Left staring into reflective shards of the heaven sent
The eminence of an ominous cloud of attrition
Showers of recalcatrince not allowed in the Mission
A broken existence, now walking planes not aspersed
Stoic visions, the second epoch in a disdained universe
Its attained uber hurt, Day 2 traverses the wasteland
Mainly due to a parentage breaking its fate plan
A great man, prehistory wrapped in a noose neckalace
Though Hitchhock methods will reveal acute evidence
Root of death and its, companions; traced to the source
An abating remorse for the cadaverous interim
Generation: family carcass: officially dead from sin
A mystery of abstinence, where are the pious?
Some people feel evil and arent aware of the child
Dispair just runs wild, lost in a graveyard of futures
Are our only options are to favor the clueless?
The labor is ruthless, doctors hears filled with sorrow instead
Face the facts, this fable lasts, it portrays tomorrow is dead
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