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Old 09-01-06, 04:12 PM   #21
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015

Yeah bro, because two famous people didn't go to school means that you don't have to try in school.

And it doesn't matter if we don't know who you are or what you look like, that has nothing to do with the fact thay you're neglecting an education other people would kill for. Seriously, do you understand what school is doing? Even if the teachers are being assholes, you will NOT gain a life that you want if you do not graduate high school and perhaps go to college. I can promise you you won't, and if you end up becoming rich, it won't be from sitting around on your ass. If you do, I'll kill Team One.

You expect people to treat you nice and for them to show you doesn't fucking happen...there will always be assholes in the world. Still, you have to prove them wrong when they say you'll just be another street rat who gets minimum wage at McDonalds. That's how you want to live, huh?
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