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Old 09-02-06, 11:09 AM   #22
I have a lot to learn...
Terumoto's Avatar
Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Q: Oh... Thats a shame. So you aren't God? I thought at least you would be -_-.

Originally Posted by Nostradamus
Nah.. Think deeper man...

For starters, where are you getting your 'characteristics of god' from? God is not a defined class like a species. Humans began with the word god (in ancient tongues) and decided (by fate) on the existance of an ultimate power and slowly world philosophers and wise men created all these concepts on what they believe to be the characteristics of their said 'god'.. The christian god? The christian 'version' if you'd call it that of god stems back to the jewish people adapting religious belief's taken from the sumerian culture. (like the book of genesis).

If you break it down and think on terms more logically based on no pre-disposed opinions on what god may be. Then what exactly is god?

Would god be the natural force allowing the conditions of this planet the ability to harbour life? Or is god the innitial cause during a moment of the most extreme singularity before the big bang that caused everything to set in motion? Or is god a far more intelligent lifeform than us who used their ability to manipulate space and time to create our solar system out of floating or generated matter therefore creating us and our light, and our planet possibly in the measure of 6 units of time measurement no longer known to the human race that we now boldly name 'days'.

Could he be a combination?

That innitial cause, mixed with a race so advanced they were able to live to the dying moments of their universe and simply manipulate time and rewind it back to the beginning of everything thereby creating a never-ending cycle that we are merely puppets or innocent bystanders in the larger scheme of things.

We could be guinnea pigs to a higher intelligence in our galaxy or universe that is testing the reactions of lab created artificial life to situations of remote existance in a spiral galaxy.

What is god to us then?

We dont actually know anything about god.

So how can our concepts of a larger power in the universe even begin to be definitive and correct?

Dont get caught up too much in what you think you know about any religious concept. And there is absolutly no way you can say your god logically....

Man this is the most fucked up mystery I have ever come across...

From my point of view (my endlessly cynical, sarcastic, provocative, logical, critical, stubborn, must-see-to-believe etc point of view...) this shit is all layed out on a platter right in front of my eyes. I see the truth about this stuff. Its actually insane. A year ago I would never have even thought myself to be a heavily religious person. I would have been the first cunt to bag on a spiritual person just for being spiritual.

And now here I am, I am so convinced, I believe what I believe 100% with absolutely no uncertainty. It just seems so obvious, like... wtf its right there in front of us all no matter where we come from. And hardly anybody knows about it!

How I feel right now is like... If I was outside next to a tree. And to a guy who walks past I say "Yo, check out that tree. Shits dope." And the guy goes "Uhhh. Thats obviously a car you fucking idiot. Look at it." But theres the trunk, the leaves... And im like oh well. Another guy walks past and I say "Hey, how about that tree, eh?" and the guy goes.. "Mate, I dont know what the fuck youre talking about. Thats a building." And theres the tree, blowing in the wind with a bird sitting on it. And another guy walks past and im like "Yo, *points to tree* what you reckon of the tree?" and he goes "Well... I dunno. Could be a tree, I guess, but like... We can never actually know, you know?"

Its like wtf? Its a tree. Thats what its like for me. Like... Everything makes 100% absolute sense, no disputes or qualms, its just the way things are. Can you even imagine that feeling? To actually KNOW the answers to the so called "mysteries" of life?

Call me dellusional, but ive never seen things so clearly.
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