Thread: This Week's Mag
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Old 09-02-06, 02:26 PM   #37
Posts: 1,112
From: Right here.

Originally Posted by DaTrusHurtz
You didn't say that Untold, it was implied... duh... aka, you ranked 2 people who are 2-2 at #3 and #4 and a guy who is 1-3 at #9...and then a 4-0 guy unranked, so therefore that would leave me to believe that in some cases its better to lose than get a no-show win according to your rankings.

aha! i understand. yea, but if they guy wit a 4-0 rankin is gettin nuttin but no show wins, and the guy wit 1-3 is losin either to good heads or the votins just gay, i'm gonna give it to who i see tryin more. i mean, if u win due to a no show, i'm not gonna say "ur power ranked here cause u keep winnin due to no shows". LI is good, but he hasn't even had a battle to prove himself in. but, yo, this week i'll take time with the mag. i'll make sure peeps like it and have nuttin to complain about. another thing though, it's not better to lose, its better to drop. if one no shows and anther person drops and their drop has a punch that impressed me, their gonna get ranked. sorry, yo, its just how i feel.

but if ya'll really want, i'll do rankins the way ya'll want. so yea..
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