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Old 01-19-03, 06:25 PM   #1
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If U Had 24 hours too Live?


What would you do,if you knew,
that in 24hours your life was threw?

Only so many minutes left,
until you meet death,and inhale your last breath.

Would you be Wise,and get Baptized.
or would you tell more lies.

and commit more sins ,
until that moment your life ends?

how will you react when death is Near,
and it's time to disappear, from the atmosphere?

would you repent ,pray,then cry?
or get a blunt and get drunk and high?

what would be your last decision,
would you still lust, OR
Trust you religion?

what if God did'nt Provide,
enough time too decided,
and you just died

In the afterlife,
do you really meet Christ?
even if you did'nt sacrafice?

So many Questions,that cross my mind,
but i just count my blessing,until my final Time.

holla back yall tell me what you
think about this piece.
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