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Old 02-20-03, 07:53 AM   #5
Posts: n/a

sit down sit with me
member the good times of chop sticks R.i.p/1
see iam not a rapper i dont rieyme
i spit real shit iam a teacher and chop sticks is now on flat line/2
who da fuck called u a pimp
no girl would touch u wit a 10 foot barge poll let alone let u cash her dollers in/3
see ithought u where good thats why i called ur fucking name out
but that was the most shittest verse u should have a wet towel rapped round ur face for that/4
oh my god this is the second tme uve been caught editing
see uve been caught by me aswell tut tut tut that thought u where dreading/5
see this kids a fake hes a fraud hes folney
hes shitter then shit why is he always on the net hes got no homies/6
see i do this but least i can admit iam not the best
this kid gets caught rapping in the mirror in a bra and he said back uhh i thought it was my vest/7
ok ur verese's first mistake was battling me
the second was the flow there was none pussy/8
the third was u had a novel explaning each punchline u hit
and the last but not least all in favor chop sticks that was shit/9
i think where ur verese fell off was michal jackson was plastic
he calls me immature the line has been done atleast 1110000 times before barsted!!!!/10
so iam gonna say one of them corney lines now
and the best thing u can now do is nothing uve already been branded as the walking dead/11
iam so ill i give cold the flew
u just another name now chop sticks this battle was to one sided but thank u/12