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Old 02-20-03, 10:06 PM   #10
Finesse Streetz
Posts: n/a

Concise, u talking like I'm on tha site braggin and shyt. I never said i was sole producer for those cats. I mean damn, I engineer and produce for Twista cousin Tight Mike, R.Kelly lives across tha street from my auntie in Olympia Fields, Kayne West lives in tha same area as me. You see, these Chicago artist don't walk around with sticks in their asses like others do. Why u gotta hate because I did some shyt for somebody. Tha other site I deal wit mostly NEVER hate on anything anybody does. But you lowlifes on this site surprised me. I never said I made it big or anything. I'm just about 5 levels from you. I'm know in Chicago. I know how to run my business. That's why I've made $10,000 since January 1,2003.

Sunday is good for me. I don't spend all day on tha internet like u do Concise. Friday and Saturday, I'm finishing my compilation's first single, "Playaish" produced by myself Finesse Streetz, featuring E-Dub, Loony, Prolific, Lethal, and Trouble. So we can get it going dunnie. Whenever I drop my shyt, u do. Wait on me bitch. I MAKE U FAMOUS!!!!!!!!

Oh yeah, ofcourse it will be audio bitch!
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