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Old 02-21-03, 02:24 PM   #9
Posts: n/a

Fuk me...this was one hell of a piece...

....i read it twice...just to grasp the 'echoing' power of it...made so prominent by the constant (and effective) use of the every (whether as everytinme or everything)... just seemed like raw emotions were channeled through a difficult (and i dunno, maybe even complex) structure...very few people on here could write it in such a way...very unique (then again, maybe many can, but just aint go to your stage...either way...)...

...i must admit...i read this while watching a class Simpsons episode...but i just got glued to it (the piece that is)...

...and well damn, such a whirlwind of emotions depicted so powerfully...for a subject that seems to be so (so so so) close to your heart n soul...i gotta was executed brilliantly...

...enough said, me comments probably don't do ya piece justice...

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