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Old 02-25-03, 05:14 PM   #1
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It's more to the Mtv battle than Spoken-Please Read The Truth!!!


Originally posted by Aphillyate
It's a long read, but it's really worth it.

Originally posted by JREL
I must say i'm dissapointed.Not with hip-hop,but the way the culture is treated.If you was there you know what led to the police acting up.However the display of countless acts of police brutality today was insane.Nightsticks and pepperspray.A few people act up and guns get drawn.To clear a rumor there was no gun there.Nobody pulled a gun.I can personally vouch for the knife but no police officers were injured.They didn't show you what the police did.They only showed people running.And they snuck in the stabbing.A police officer said someone "Tried" to stab him.However he was not hurt or bleeding.I got most of the shit on video i'm trying to stream it.And then when the camera's went off.We tried to cipher and they starting handing cats fines.They told us it's illegal to start ciphers on the corners.Harmless ciphers!They even started arresting people.For rhyming!!! I knew they was gonna take this shit too far so i gathered about 40 'MCs to go to the Universal building and protest at the Def Jam Office.On the way 40 turned to 80.80 turned to 120 and so on.By time we got there we was mad deep,but we made sure everyone knew to keep it non-violent the whole time.So we in the universal building chanting "Hip-Hop"!!!
"Hip-Hop"!!! It was amazing.To see all those different cultures representin one culture.Now if somebody got stabbed earlier they would of disbanded all of us b4 we even got there.We made mad noise.And we got heard.They sent down a universal a&r named Marcell Bullock to speak with us.He explained he wanted to help us as long as we didn't get violent and we took the protest outside.So we went out and he went upstairs to the def-jam office.He came back down with those bitch ass flyers yall probably saw on t.v..You know the one that says the battle was gonna be rescheduled,and they gave you that number to call.Don't believe that hype.Those flyers are bullshit.Mtv did not print those.If you was at the protest you would know that def-jam printed those up.And it's not def jam's battle.It's mtv's.Def jam is giving the prize.That's it.So why are they printing these bullshit flyers.We all knew it was bullshit.We was like fuck those flyers,and we started chanting again.So he went back upstairs to the def jam office.While he was upstairs mad security guards came out.One even had this big ass german sheperd.We didn't care we still was chanting.Then Marcell came back down.He said that the def jam represenative was scared to come down because of the mobb.So we was like we ain't talking to nobody but lyor cohen or Kevin liles.So he said he was gonna get them.Then this security guard was saying we might as well leave cause he saw Liar (lol) cohen leave and that kevin liles wasn't there.So a few of us went inside to make sure.And we caught liar trying to sneak around back.So we was like what up.He looked at us then gave us this real nasty ice grill ,then security excorted him out.We was like lyin asses.Then this cat liles comes downstairs with his boyguard,dj clue's manager and some other cat i seen in this Nore video.He came outside apologizing and shit.But we wasn't trying to hear that.We wanted to battle so we was like what's up with the flyers.He said he contacted mtv and stated they still wanted to have the battle.We have him on film saying this.He also agreed to listen to any demo that we had personally.Even though i know he's not gonna listen to them.It didn't matter as long as they was hearing us. So we managed to get a few cats auditions there instead.It was going perfect till peeps started gettin starstruck when this diplomats van pulled up(Groupie ass cats).They started handing out mad cds and ²²²²²s went crazy.Cats was smiling like everything was cool after that.We was like that's all yall groupie mc's came here for.It was sad.But anyway like 40 of us wasn't satisfied so we called up Power 105.1 and i told Chubb Rock about it.He said he wanted to put it on air so we was talkin about the situation for mad long.He said he was gonna help us protest through the airwaves and i called him up with updates like every hour.It was beautiful.We was actually turning a bad thing into a good thing.if anyone heard it on power 105.1 in ny you know what went down.We went back to mtv to protest.We was like we gonna let cats know on TRL.So while we there this ²²²²² Sway comes to the window.He brings the camera man and we out there chanting Hip-Hop!!! This Bob Charlie lookin ass cat starts laughing and put a sign in one of the windows that said the battle was cancelled.Then he closes the window blind.It was a wrap after that.We decided to go to phat farm and tell Russell Simmons.I mean come on if Russell wouldn't understand nobody would.He straight fronted on us.He had mad security excort us out.So we stood in the front.The brother called the cops.All of a sudden mad cops roll up on us.They start grabbing cats and arresting ²²²²²s so mad of us bounced. We decided to go to the park.They actually told us to go to the park.We got it on film my people.We in the park rhymin and everybody sitting down.They sent the paddy-wagon over to the park.A few white mc's was with us.And they was holdin it down with us.and to show you how racistand twisted NYPD is was when they started roughing the white mc's up for being with us.Then they threw one in handcuffs.then they started comin for us.Color was not a factor today my people.If you loved Hip-Hop you was hated on plain and simple.Oh yeah The cat with the knife was white too.So whoever said it was just black folks suck a dick.Race didn't matter the cops didn't want none of us in manhatten.But regardless i'm proud of everyone who decided to take a positive approach to the choas today by protesting.We stood our ground.And for that alone we should not be ashamed of hip-hop but be proud on how it brought us together.There is great strength in numbers.We must stop the the negativity that surrounds hip hop music in today's society.Is it me or does anyone notice the pattern of violence lately in hip-hop.
It's a conspieracy to destroy the hip hop culture.We must open our eyes to it's presence.

P.S. The reason that this is in such depth is because i wanted you to understand that hip-hop represenatives like russell, kevin liles and sway trully displayed thier hipocrasy to the culture.When we need them the most the tried to play us for fools.And this can not continue.Please Support your local mc's.Cause they not listenin


That's some fucked up shit. Action must be taken, and it starts with us. We should seriously organize something to fight this. It can be done. We should try to get as many boards and sites to put this info on the main pages, send MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD emails to people involved with these companies, call up radio stations.

Time for some action.
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