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Old 09-03-06, 02:00 AM   #14
Jack The Ripper
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Posts: 11,759

I'm better than good, I'm great. I'll give you the boot
You don't believe I'm better than nize?..
... just look at this week for the proof
eh, it was... decent

kid, for u pussy is not an option. all the girls digg me
shots'll have Spul layed out on tha ground, like Kurt Angle in his siggy.
dude u just filthy, a Hindu rapper named Spul, that's not hard to see
now I know what Jay-z was rappin' about when he made Punjabi MC.
lol, wow, gay

For the wackness of those lines, I can't believe I even tried
Cuz the vowel list is the only time E comes before I
ha, cool, nice man

That last closer by SPuL was dopeness, and the first was like, eh... But Euth came very wack, so v/SPuL
It's JTR, lyrical art
The towers aren't still standing but the pyramids are...
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