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Old 09-03-06, 08:45 AM   #28
La Cosa Nostra
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From: Gaza Strip

Originally Posted by Terumoto
Yeah. Like I understand of course its hard to believe. I'm the kind of guy who immediately dismisses cunts raving on about whatever when it comes to matters of religion and philosophy.

Thing is the proof is right there. People just dont seem to get it. Theres the many (well not really many, but a fair few) practitioners of this belief, and a few other people who identify with me and I them on matters like this... But most people just go, mate, what are you on about? Its like im pointing to all the proof, truth and answers, and instead of looking at whats there they look at my hand. Well obviously my hand has nothing to do with what its pointing at -_-.

Nothing is certain in the universe?! That doesnt sound very orderly at all...

Man, you can say that stuff, but its right there. Let me have a go. How wrong would I be if the universe was actually a little black spot of fungus on an alien life forms cock. Or what if the universe is some big fat sweaty cunts lunch, and hes been cooking it for billions of years because he is oblivious to time, and one day when his oven made of love and peanuts goes ding, hes gonna take out the universe and devour us all. I'd be pretty freakin' wrong.

Saying I dont understand you is a cop out..

I am very aware of this theory your talking about. It did dawn on me once before a while back aswell with a different perspective that if the universe is god, all religions that were taught to have numorous gods were exactly the same as the religions dismissing this idea in favour of a singular god system because god is essentually a concept of 'everythingness'. And when I thought of that, the thought also occured to me that every living thing in existance is in effect, part.


As I've said. We, as a species, have no way of truely knowing how we got here and what god is. This whole existance is god way of thinking is simply speculation and untill there is any proof, your going to continue getting the majority of people thinking your drifting a bit sideways from reality.

And that reality is.............We arnt omniscient. We dont know the true nature of god, therefore we can only philosophise on possibilities. Therefore 'nothing is certain' to us.
RIP jono, peace out bboy.
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