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Old 09-03-06, 03:55 PM   #25
The Gladiator
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Posts: 307

Originally Posted by Wordz Ahgod
Your a dumb fuck who didn't pay attencion to a word I said. Im not saying you GOT to be the best at school to be successful. I sure as fuck aint one of em mu fuckas that can sit in a class room all day. I use the be the nigga that whent to sleep and walk'd in the middle of class too. I even drop'd out the last year then whent back and finished like 5 or 6 months later. All Im saying is....You can be the most hardest working mu fucka in the world and no one'll probably give the chance to be it unless you show them something. As far as you joining the armed forces ...You got to keep in mind that your responsible for the lives of you, and the Troop on the left and right of you as they are for you. When you go to combat, you go into a world where you got to be focused and be able to keep a leveled head and sane mind to be able to carry out the mission. ADD is nothing that'll hold you back unless its up to the point in which you can't pay attencion when someone is talking to you. You can do what ever you want in life but for kids like you and me who dont get all the chances every one else does ...We got to try harder so that these mutha fuckas know we ready to step up. Thats all it is.

Oh and 2 Pac was smart ass mu fucka and he whent to school faithully my nigga. He graduated and everything and I think he even whent to a perfoming arts school or some shit.

2pac said it himself in 2pac ressurrection that he tried his hardest in school but ended up dropping out simply cuz he didnt have enough credits
he DID go to a performing arts school and shit like that but he still didnt graduate...not that its important to my life but just letting u know the facts

and u right for the rest of the IS important im not saying it isnt
but i have a HARD time wit motivation when it comes to shit i dont care for
just cuz its important doesnt mean u neccassarily care for it
and maybe u should but u dont its just how it is
a person doesnt wanna be sad or happy they just are same thing wit caring
but im speaking on shit i did in the past...i did most of the shit i was saying in 9th grade....last year i think i only slept like 2 times breifly
and i still worked harder than before...i still needed ta mature and get my mind str8 more....and i still do but im maturing
the shit im tellin u i did in class was the shit i was doing when i was "diagnosed" with it...when they started gettting concerned "i had ADD"
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