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Old 09-03-06, 04:03 PM   #27
The Gladiator
Light Weight
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Posts: 307

Originally Posted by Terumoto
Man, I had the exact same shit. I did absolutely no work, hardly payed attention, spent class time doing anything but what the class was meant to do... School was the GAYEST shit ever. They even told me I had ADD as well, and put me in the lowest classes for everything. And they said I had to see the school psychologist regularly.

Then one year I got a dope english teacher. Her name was Mrs Pride, and I still talk to her today. Basically, she saw straight through me after teaching me for a while. She noticed that I went shit in all of my other subjects, and in most english exams I went shit as well. But whenever there was an exam based on creative writing I did well. She asked to talk to me after class. She said to me, "Look, I know school is a pain in the neck. It's hard to be motivated when the stuff you have to learn is so dreadfully boring. The way things work is terrible, it's all a big game. Education is trying to pick out the people who play the game best. Anyone who doesn't play the game is looked over. Most of the time those people deserve to be looked over, but sometimes there are amazing musicians, poets, writers, philosophers that get caught up in the system."

At this point I figured, oh well, I guess im just one of those cunts that deserves to be looked over. Im not gonna go into detail about my social/filial situation, but that shit wasnt good. When you act like scum, the world treats you like scum. Positive words were scarce in my childhood, and children need that shit for their self-worth and esteem to grow. Anyway, this english teacher kept saying insane shit in her comments on the work I submitted. Like whoa wtf I was blown away by the shit she was saying. One that I can remember very clearly was "20/20. This is a beautiful story. It's emotional, humorous and engaging, but still addresses the cliched stimulus material. You have an extraordinary gift, I look forward to seeing what great things you do in the future."

For the rest of the day I was like wtf? How could anyone be saying that kind of shit to ME? ME of all people, with a bright future... The ADD kid in all the shitty classes, who never goes well in anything and needs to take pills so he doesnt do something stupid.

Do you think anybody even knows you? Knows the way you think? They dont, and they dont give a shit. I'll tell you one thing, this world is no place for an individual. You are an individual, and the masses dont like difference. If you dont play the little games that the entire world places so much importance on, you won't be able to make a lot of money. Whether making a lot of money is important to you is your choice.

yea werd u EXACTLY right bout all of it...ima just get money and get money and work my ass off for it and get lost in money and prove ta everyone that i dont give a fuck bout them cuz i got more than they'll EVER have
if they wanna roll wit me like i was shit back when they were treating me like shit then they can just die a slow painful death and burn in hell
but anyways what ur aim?
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