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Old 09-04-06, 04:41 PM   #2
Whys That?
Posts: 2,007

the links you have supplyd are to a open mic were you didnt leave feedback, and a text battle.

Let me explain this for you, im not tryna start no net beef, Im simply gonna explain to you,why we leave links and encourage people to leave links.

Imagine no one leaving feed on others open mics in this forum, it would be pointless right?! So the reason for the links is to force peopel to leave feed on at least two open mics in order to be able to post there open mic.
So imagine everyone who posted a open mic leaving feedback on at least two open mics, the feed back would soon be decent enough to class the forum as active.
Now if you come in and dont leave feedback, that is defeating the purpose of the entire "2 link rule" So bite your lip, stop acting like your too good to post links, and simply post the fucking links, its not rocket science. its a simple thing to do.

From here on in, if i see you havent posted your links in your open mic, you will be banned.