Thread: Nigger - Nigga
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Old 09-10-06, 05:12 AM   #20
Jack The Ripper
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Oh, and it just gets better and better. Cuz Puerto Ricans can say "nigga" cuz they aren't white and they didn't have anything to do with enslaving black people. Wich is hilarious cuz I though "nigga" has nothing to do with any of that right? "IT'S A DIFFERANT WORD JACK!"

Ok, so tell me why I can't say it as a Canadian Jew, you know, that other culture that was dicriminated against. And you guys think you had it bad, we were being prosecuted by Nazi's, sent to concentration camps and being killed off.

And Jews had nothing to do with slavery, it was the gentiles (non jews) who weren't so gentile with you (no pun intended). Matter of fact, it was the Jews who used to leave the light on, on their front porch so when black slaves would escape from their master they could have a place of refuge to rest/hide for a while, while their masters were out with a pack of dogs trying to pick up sent. AND Canadian jews were responsible for going over to the south in the states and actually rescuing some thousands of blacks from a life of slavery and bringing them over the boarder where racism wasn't as known.

Read up on your history muh fuckas!

You saying I don't understand, no. YOU don't understand.

Tell me, please, that your logic isn't disgusting.
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