Thread: Nigger - Nigga
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Old 09-10-06, 05:48 AM   #27
Jack The Ripper
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Posts: 11,759

Originally Posted by -TeamOne-
dude, your not the first person in the world to bring up this argument, but dude, your never gonna get it because you have no fucking idea what its like to be black, so just drop it

But you aren't even bringing up an arguemant, i'll you're saying is "you don't understand, you don't understand"

I SERIOUSLY don't think YOU understand, or even know what you're talking about, if you can't even formulate a decent point to structure your arguemant around. And I have like, 100 points. So, instead of telling me I don't know how it works because i'm not black, who don't you *GASP* tell me why i'm wrong, and explain what i'm not seeing, wich i've asked you to do already, 3 times.
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