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Old 09-10-06, 09:13 AM   #12
Daubs's Avatar
Posts: 10,604
From: Salford

You ain't goin' far, ya lines got no hope of hittin' hard
Bitch, ya need a pen, shotgun, AND pistol to shoot a good bar

Ehhh, meh punch

WTF @ that wackness, f'real, were you even trying?
You must be breakin' under pressuse like a b-boy scuba diving

nice play but not hard hittin

I've done amazing things vs. Degree, Mime, Spul, feel the tension then son?
But HOW THE FUCK did me and Tav go 100 about herbs

not too bad

WTF is amazing?!?!? That bar was a lie dude
But I was mentioned...
... all over the mag, as one of the dopest... BY YOU


DTHs was a personal but the wordin was wack, killed the punch from what it could have been, i got it as badly worded concept vs decent play but no hard punch.

Cant decide a winner.

V./ tie
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