Thread: Nigger - Nigga
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Old 09-11-06, 12:18 AM   #67
M Eazy
Put Yo Money On Me
Posts: 1,653
From: Sacramento, CA

Jack is a all realness. You have no idea wat you're talking you come on tha net to say shit you get slaughtered for off tha sad homie..that shit aint even coo...just leave it alone..there's a lot of things in this world we don't understand..but shit happens...y r there only white presidents...y don't blacks get equal opportunities as everyone else...and if you say they do you're a mufuckin lie...why is there a liquor store on every corner...shit like that..and I can careless what latinos.asians.etc. Went thru..I'm black so I focus on my peoples suffrage,which remains tha same today
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