Thread: Nigger - Nigga
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Old 09-11-06, 06:42 AM   #70
Is F'in Bored
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Posts: 1,371
From: chambana,illinois

You kids are fuckin silly. The word is degrading anyway you say it because it in itself means "ignorant". Therefore saying what's up nigga or what's up nigger are the same thing. You're saying what's up fool. It's a synonym for fool. If its your friend, fool doesn't insult you, if its not your friend it insults you. Since racism was rampant back in the day, every black person was considered ignorant. As a matter of fact if they weren't ignorant they were killed. Yes the smart slaves were killed therefore keeping the ones that werent' not only stupid but afraid to teach there kids for fear they were killing there kids. Therefore ignorant became synonomous with black.

Now that we've gotten thru the root lets get to why it has evolved. The word nigger was the white man's strongest weapon in the fight to keep black people down. So how do you slay an enemy? Start by taking away his strongest weapon. We started by making them call us something else. But since you can't very well control how someone speaks (unless you're the government) the only way to twist it was to change it's meaning. With us saying the word as well, it held no more meaning and no more value. Therefore it stopped being used socially so much. With that word out of the way, the downfall of racism was imminent. But now that that era's over, black people have once again become ignorant enough to let a word effect them so heavily that it invokes discussions such as this one.

It's power is back because people don't deal with their problems the same anymore. The average person would rather be violent then solve a problem any other way. Or just not let a word effect them. If a white person called me ignorant it wouldn't bother me. Nigger doesn't bother me. Because my presence clearly bothers them enough. If i prove to them that words can't move me, the only thing that can is physical force, in which case i can legally beat their ass and not get in trouble, the word's specifyed meaning dissipates.

Now that you know the word, history and how it works on a person psychologically, ask yourself. Does this whole discussion really matter. Shouldn't we all be more focused on saving hip hop.

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