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Old 09-11-06, 11:00 PM   #1
A Life Of Chryme
Posts: 5,019
From: Boston

We are so intelligent, i agree..but only to an extent.

Because it is proven that we have caused problems in years to come.

im sure you all warming and all that jazz.

Man's intelligence made the car made the hair spray and objects to basically destroy what we live on.

So to an extent we are intelligent. But in my eyes our intelligence is turning into selfishness.
No longer are we doing good for eachother..but only for themselves to benefit.

GMC will make a car that takes 100 dollars of gas (which would pollute our air ways)

yes it will get us around (and at the same time pollute the air we breathe, and melt the ice caps we depend apon)....but of course they dont care cuz they are getting paid top dollar.

which is intelligent on there part....but in the long run when its to late when nature takes over and man's "intelligence" is played out.

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