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Old 09-12-06, 08:54 AM   #14
I have a lot to learn...
Terumoto's Avatar
Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

OK, as somewhat of an educator I see this all the time. But it comes down to the different kinds of kids. The rest of the stupidity is just media influence, everything is media influence. But when I say that, dont think like a kid sees murder on TV then goes out to murder... Its more like, kids are constantly bombarded with these images and messages about what kind of stuff is important, what makes a person a good person, sex, violence... Its conditioning their minds to behave in a certain way.

Different kids get affected by that in different ways... There are a few types of kids I can think of off the top:

Ignorant Idiot: Is a complete idiot. Has low level of intelligence, follows any fad, acts in a certain way to please others while under the illusion that he is an individual. Often is derogatory towards others. Sometimes may be the one to start fads.

Self-concious idiot: Seen as a loser, attemps to follow fads but often fails and is still shunned despite his efforts.

Book smart guy: Hes not smart socially. Hes not smart philosophically. Hes not good at sports. But boy, can he regurgitate text book knowledge in an exam!

Hard working idiot: Works his poor little ass off. He works so hard, he puts in every ounce of effort he possibly can... And goes average or poor.

Misplaced Intelligent kid: Sees straight through school system. Does more or less no work at all, and goes average to good. Often gets involved with drugs or other shit like that. Doesnt really give a shit.

Hard working Intelligent kid: He is smart. Damn smart. AND he works his ass off. These are the kids that come first, these are the kids that are destined to be brain surgeons, doctors, researchers, lawyers, mangers... etc.

Average intelligence hard worker: Hes not stupid. Hes not smart. He works hard and goes above average.


Now I can tell you that the average % is about 80% ignorant idiot, varying everything else, 2% Misplaced intelligent kid, 2% hard working intelligent kid.

So of course its gonna feel as though kids are stupid. When they mature at least they stop acting like idiots, but usually ignorant idiots dont mature till around their 20s, sometimes early 30s.

Kids arent getting dumber... The WORLD is getting dumber. SOCIETY is getting dumber. You cant blame these kids. They are not accountable for their actions. Its like creating a robot that takes in everything it sees and then builds up a personality based on that. And then the only thing you expose the robot to is smut, violence, shitty morals, war, etc... How do you think the robot will turn out?
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