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Old 09-16-06, 01:28 AM   #20
I have a lot to learn...
Terumoto's Avatar
Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Originally Posted by Nostradamus
My last one?

Monday night..

Dropped a tab at 8:00pm... Started smoking cones at 10:00pm.. It was basically a mixture of uncontrollable explosive happyness and euphoria for the first... 6/7 hours.. After that I was still smoking cones and the acid felt like it was still running strong but I could feel it slowly comming down as it did over the next.......4/5 hours before I went to sleep the next day...

I know what your getting at..

You want to make it seem as though you have no idea what I was feeling while I was on that drug from just my words. Right?

Yup. You expressed yourself terribly! I still have more or less no understanding of what you were feeling.

Uncontrollable explosive happiness and euphoria? Like what... Like... The kind of happiness a girl gets on her wedding day? The kind of explosive euphoria of winning the lottery?

And hold on a second there... I didnt ask you for your itinerary, I asked you for your feelings and thoughts. What did the come down feel like? "Coming down" ... wtf is that? I want to know what you were feeling, since you can express yourself so well.

Come on, can't you do this?
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