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Old 09-16-06, 02:14 AM   #29
I have a lot to learn...
Terumoto's Avatar
Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

I believe we shouldnt change the topic of this discussion, and that you should try and express what a weed high is like.

But ok, ill play along. No, I cannot describe any feelings PROPERLY and ACCURATELY with words. Let me explain.

For example, love. I can easily say to my gf "I love you," but do you think that gives my feeling justice? Do you really think she understands exactly the way I feel? No way.

Words are inadequate to describe emotions, feelings and thoughts. What about something simpler than love, like hunger which you mentioned before... Consider this:

Two people say "I'm so hungry." Exactly the same expression/words. One of them is from a third world country, and barely eats enough to survive. One of them is from Australia and has gone to work, but skipped breakfast, and now its lunch time. Those two feelings of hunger are completely different. Heres the tricky part, and the part I know you are going to argue against.

We can understand the word hungry, because we have experienced hunger, right? True. That just proves that words are inadequate. The only reason you will ever be able to express a feeling to somebody is if they have felt it as well. Even then the expression is hazy. This is because feelings can only be felt, and not explained. They can be referred to, but not expressed. That's why you couldnt explain your LSD trip to me, thats why we can't possibly understand the third world country boy's hunger. Even if he used the most complex, descriptive language, we still wouldnt know what its like.

So yeah, we cant describe any feelings with words, but we can refer to feelings and the degree of that feeling.
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