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Old 09-16-06, 01:11 PM   #43
Shear Kaughn
Broke as hell
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Posts: 2,276
From: Tenn-EZ

Originally Posted by Mimesis

It is when you look down on certain jobs because in your twisted world you think you deserve more money then what you're worth at this point in time. I knew going in to get applications that I had no work experience because I used to wrestle and do all this other shit, and so I didn't go in demanding to be paid a good amount. I put down for what job I wanted "Any position availible" and for pay "Any." The next week I had a job.

Getting a job isn't hard if you don't trick yourself into thinking that as a 17 year old kid with no serious work experience that you deserve a high amount of pay. My job is shitty, almost all entry level jobs are. But, what the fuck do you expect? A corner office with a window or two? Please. You're going to be doing the dirty work, and those jobs don't get paid well. Instead of bitching about how hard it is to get a job why don't you go work a shitty job or two, get a good reference, and then try to move up in another company if you choose to leave.

getting a job for YOU might of been easy because most of the time your just in the right place at teh right time when it comes to jobs like this becuase there are so many of us young jocs wanting these jobs..

shit...i'm about to go eat and fill out some more of these damn applications.....hopefully i'll get a job...if'll just be a damn shame....gotta work hard at it i reckon
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