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Old 09-17-06, 07:52 PM   #1
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015
If you locked a baby in a cave...


If you locked a baby in a cave since childbirth, having a person come in three times a day to offer food and water and to, when it is old enough, teach him enough so that he is able to be literate enough to describe his thoughts, what would he think? Would he ever form the hypothesis of the person coming from a world outside? Would the tutor/feeder be a ghost? A god? A supplier? Something just acknowledged as a daily aspect of life? Would the person know life? Would the person ever guess the existence of light past the level of the cave's dimness, or the presence of an outside world? Would he form a philosophy so alien to the world, it's incoherent babbling? Would he form a religion? An afterlife? An imaginary friend? Would he cease to be human in all aspects but his teachings?

I can't comprehend this.
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