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Old 09-18-06, 10:46 AM   #5
fuck yuu
fuck yuu's Avatar
Posts: 984

Blah OMG you fucking suck... no-show hoe..

Lmme key something up real quick then

This kids a retard must be, a little slow as you can see
's why you rep your last weeks record in ya sig 3-3
I'll level this whore, and smash you straight to the floor
N ya name suits you
Cause you gota stanza of losses, yeah thats 4 or more*
This kids lame, and your writtens are straight wack
You the only person i know
........................That bites a bitten verse, Whys that*
Bet you felt stupid huh? a mind full of regret?
Kinda like your failed tourny, The best of the sets
Stupid bitch i dont know why im even battling you
Cause if this bitch ate parkerbrothers
.....................................he still wouldnt have a clue
10 down and only 4 more to go n your ass is whored
Cause your text puts everyone to sleep on this board
This kids a bitch, and this battle is a fucking gag
Which is exactly what i did when i saw your girl fag

*second bar. Stanza stands for a group of lines, usually 4 or more
*3rd bar. He bite a bitten verse from Whys That?
Fuck Yuu Productions
-CS- -
Stayin Fresh Til Death

Think you can write?
2004 Poet of the year
3X writer of the month
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