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Old 09-22-06, 12:39 PM   #9
Ryan Hughes
the real man of steel
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Posts: 3,165
From: Jerzy

I've seen ur tactics to win, n' how ur dealin' with men
You fuckin' Stoop so low, u may as well boycott the Pac-10
I feel bad for ya so here's an ad, <<readers if u wanna see ass>>
Check Sam's Club, it's a great find some cheap trash
Yea, I'm a nice dude, a team player, but ur hopeless n' shit
Fucka wingman, u need a ^^ OF players to ever get u a bitch
^^^ I'll follow up to that geek, n' fuckin' let the past speak
You Jack concepts so much, I thought I had a rematch of last week

u fuckin faggot, bitch...aint worth shit ur the least of my time
^there, that'll make u better, cuz I just gave u a peice of my mind
yo, I'll show kids how to end ya vital signs, knives slashin dude
I stop ppl from seein I gave the movie bad reviews

V/Datrushurtz....this was a good one both came wit pretty solid verse..brock you had some quotes that were good i liked those lines the review one was good but you feel off in your verse alot some lines were played...trus you had a good verse overall i liked the wingman shit and the pac 10...those were dope...your verse was overall more consistent didnt really fall off any where you get me vote...
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