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Old 09-23-06, 12:35 AM   #11
Wordz AhGod
ROFL @ u niggas since '04
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Posts: 2,347
From: FLA

u fuckin faggot, bitch...aint worth shit ur the least of my time
^there, that'll make u better, cuz I just gave u a peice of my mind
yo, I'll show kids how to end ya vital signs, knives slashin dude
I stop ppl from seein I gave the movie bad reviews


Omg ur a sad faggot, n' u know what the worst is?
You don't just steal concepts...
^^^ I'll follow up to that geek, n' fuckin' let the past speak
You Jack concepts so much, I thought I had a rematch of last week
I feel bad for ya so here's an ad, <<readers if u wanna see ass>>
Check Sam's Club, it's a great find some cheap trash
We all know u have problems, but this is insane dude
U ain't just lacktose...u fuckin' lack heart n' brains too
I've beat Spul, Ace, n' Erel, its my time to shine, bum
I'm at the end of the line... where ya verse entertains me by line 1
Now seein' u was upsettin', n' u deserve the beatin' ur getting
Ur so engaged with wackness, I'm glad u didn't invite me to the wedding

well this was a dissapointment really. Since last week brocks been droping blah but this week he just didn't care anymore at all. DTH murdered him in almost every aspect. Its like if he didn't want to be champ no more...oh well. DTH gets this on punches and more quotables and shit.


figure I could drop by and promote my my first mixtape and what not since im here..

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