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Old 09-25-06, 12:35 AM   #23
I have a lot to learn...
Terumoto's Avatar
Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Would you really want to live forever?

You're probably just thinking "Oh yeah, it will be ill. I can work for ages and make heaps of money and become famous, and have sex with so many hot bitches. And live into the future to see all the technological advancements. I could even use it to trick people into thinking im a god, and make them serve me. Immortality is dope."

But its actually shit... Immortality? Thats hell man. Living FOREVER. Not just a hundred years after you're supposed to die, not just a thousand... Not just a million... Not just a billion... Not just a hundred million billion... FOREVER. What would you do? Where would you go if the world was destroyed? Would you just float into space for eternity? What could you possibly do here? Be a living record of history, be loved by people, love people (who by the way are mortal)?

Maybe you can't see it now, but im sure after you've lived for like two hundred years or even less, you'd be like why, oh why did I choose to be immortal.
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