Thread: What is god?
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Old 09-26-06, 09:33 AM   #5
La Cosa Nostra
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From: Gaza Strip

Originally Posted by Mad Dog
well put it this way jus a few examples...

1st. he's sposed to be all forgiving yet people go to hell...

2nd. still on the forgiving trip, noaks is up with god killing everything except 2 of each animal???...i mean God's portrayed as some being who doesn't condone violence, yet the bible claims he nearly wiped out all of earths population...

i unno if these are just mere flaws or what not...but i know that God is more like a my opinion

1: Thats if you believe hell exists...

I believe logically hell is more like the souls of humans that cant relate to anyone else therefore they spend eternity lonley. Ask some of the worlds leading mediums and theyll be likly to tell you the same thing.

2: Noahs ark is just one recollection of that story... Great flood myths are prevelent in almost all world cultures, and the exact reasoning for them we can never be sure. Possibly it is simply a natural disaster like an asteroid plunging into the ocean creating really large tsunamis throughout a lot of the worlds continents.. Possibly there were darker evils existing in this world before this event and it was a devine act to bring on the new world. As a lot of cultures in more modern history seemed to have began directly after these floods cleared up. Whatever the case, realise the world was not the same place during those times so we cant be sure what actually happened and why. But noahs ark I believe is more on the myth side of the true story, most animals would have survived by living on higher land for a while..

A lot of cultures versions of the story are about them using canoos to get back to land... Dont take the glorified christian story too literally.. A lot of stories in the bible are mainly there to teach lessons more so than record history.

Originally Posted by Mad Dog
oh and what about the story of jacob?

God killed all his family, friends, live stock, and made Jacob incredibly ill...JUST to prove to satan that he'd still worship him...YET it's always been claimed that God never needs to PROVE himself...just that you have faith in him and that you believe in him

I think you'll find his name was 'Jobe'.. And yeah, once again.. I believe this to be a fictional folk tale to teach people that no matter how hard life gets, never lose faith in god because everything happens for a reason.
RIP jono, peace out bboy.
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