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Old 09-27-06, 10:21 PM   #2
Trill OG
Posts: 442
Dear Ugly Bitch,


i can't try n clown this chick, she's damn fine, so that aint fair..
along with those nap's in the front.. which she calls baby hair
so kick back n prepare, cuz i'm takin pictures, n my plan for this kid..
is to leave her fully exposed.. WAIT, never mind, she already is
theifs pay high prices, n that shit YOU pulled was so immature
cuz art 'll still your bitch Euth.. implieing IF she's actually yours
n with that said it's a damn shame, dude can't get any sicker
kemp said GIRLFREIND battle.. not post up pics of your sister
let's let the temper's fly, me lie? nope, i couldn't have said it
n yea my chick has a big ego.. but yours is soooo big headed
look man i'm clapping foo's, reload it, cock back n strait snap on dude
i kno u pictured a lotta things.. but not ya bitch turning her back on you
i fight ugly chicks, body slam the bitch to show we don't play..
followed by a right cross.. since her eyes r stuck like that anyway
i'm visious with mine, girl or not, i'll make her a physical demonstration
cuz i bet she kno's how to bob n weave.. to get out of a hairy situation
let's stop the whisper's, n don't even rely on ya luck
cuz with a face like that.. i bet the bitch's nosey as fuck
the ends coming, n she's a please watch as i rip with this rhyme
told the dumb bitch she's pretty ugly.. she ask'd how's she both at one time

^^ stupid bitch

i've seen your fat ass before Euth, so i hope your up for the clownin
n i bet this slim bitch get's a brokeback.. everytime that your mountain
that chick's horrible n far from cute, not even a nice peice of the pie
so tell her to turn around.. so can get a look at her good side
yo this is the last punch yall, n i've had fun with ya dude
cuz from that pic.. i KNO she gettin WAY more shine than you

26... aha loser
GBA Champion

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