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Old 09-29-06, 07:11 AM   #10
I have a lot to learn...
Terumoto's Avatar
Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Yeah I guess so, about him telling.

What I meant was our energy fades, as in it leaves our bodies and gets returned to the universe, which is what allows other beings to exist and manifest.

The concept of an afterlife seems like a desperate plea to continue existence after death. It will be like before you were born, which we have all experienced, or technically not experienced. If you're talking heaven, then you existing there as you think now is impossible. Remember, theres no suffering in heaven, and in this existence our thoughts (which stem from our personalities) are full of desire and suffering. Honestly, get the picture of clouds and harps out of your brain and think about it.

Heaven... Where worldly things hold no importance, and there is no suffering, and you are with God.

So money, women, posessions, entertainment, lust, any worldly pleasure or object is NOT part of heaven.

No suffering. In hebrew, the word for suffering is not best translated as suffering. More accurately in this situation, it would be translated as something along the lines of a deep, deep suffering, not necessarily related to physical pain (although it can be), but emotional and mental anguish.

With God. Now where's God? The bible tells us God is everywhere, everything, and is inside us all. Nowhere does it say God is in some other dimension that you can only reach by dying. Heaven = described as being with God.

"Heaven" in the christian sense could not possibly be some other realm that you enter into after death. The only reason that useless concept has lingered for so long in society and religion is because its great. I mean fucking score, we die and we get a new life in which there is no suffering. Shits teriffic, but sadly (not that I would consider it sad that its not true) a false hope.
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