Thread: TK vs Sane
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Old 10-01-06, 05:48 PM   #3
New to RV
Posts: 82

Originally Posted by Sane
Ya, he's trying to say I'm degrading topicals, to me, that is bitching and insulting. He's complaining that I didn't do something serious and act depressed cuz the condom broke and now there's a kid. I mean, Atty is acting like by this topical, I have just made topicals a joke and that I am disrespecting what I do daily.

Topicals = songs unrecorded

So don't start saying that topicals are based on one thing, because what truly makes a topical is the enjoyment of the reader. If you didn't like it, fine. I'm not a stand up comedian anyway, but don't start telling me what a topical is like I'm some kid who just started writing. A topical brings imagination, and I am willing to bet everyone who's read this imagined Ysdat and Col-B doin whatever I said. What I wrote, though not great, is still a topical and by no means makes fun of what I write, it's suppose to make you smile and laugh. So stop acting like this topical was suppose to be an essay of a broken condom and get the dicks outta your ass and try smiling.

I don't care if I lose, cuz that just makes me writer better.

Good job TK and good luck.

dude it wasn't funny in the least. its been done so many times, and maybe the best topical head out there made it funny. it just doesn;t make many people laugh.
Originally Posted by solo poet
soulstice tried out?!..dude we should have snagged that muthafucka!.
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