Thread: Britz cant rap
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Old 10-05-06, 08:07 AM   #62
Black Poet
Posts: 1,474
From: London

Originally Posted by shawty32
i aint proud niggas b killin niggas in america and illegal hispanics r takin over im makin a point american rap is an american art this country was built on slavery rap is a type of soul music for african AMERICANS our country was built on black slaves and we get out our aggression thru OUR music rap is american culture and thats my point
its not commercialized dmx,tupac,biggie,the game,50 cent and alot more grew up in the hood and the ghetto and rap music is all they know so dont take that from us thats ours

LMAO at this kid who seems to think that you only had slavery in America

I don't understand how you learned how to log on to the internet & signed up to RV that's some achievement....

I'm Black my family's black, we all decended from Africa so your telling me
that because I grow up in England I can't rap because I have no aggression
that my ancestors were enslaved way back when ?

Get the fuck out of here,... Slut !!

We just have a totally different style to the US which I think is good !!
that's what makes us British ! and if you don't like UK music well that's
good for you, the industry is growing by the day selling millions of tracks
I don't think they would mind if you didn't buy there records.

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