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Old 10-05-06, 06:40 PM   #5
Roger Glocks
Middle Weight
Posts: 412

^^ umm ok ?

U wrote that shit quick as hell n I read that shit coughing, very awkard
If this how gay a Te' Key gets...then Barber needs to come out closet
I know you act hard. talk shit about me, but i get pussy often
while girls are like a unsolved cases to u...he cant put his finger on it
with ya generic punches and bullshit personals. it gets boring to read
cuz ppl only feel wut your saying. if they touched the monitor screen
ur ugly ass cant hold on to a girl, its funny how hard you wanna be
....tryin to be a mack when Te gets dumped more then Boston party
I kept on reading.juss shook my head, if u thought you were leading
my punches will let you go first, then have your headstart...bleeding
bullets, shells, clips....gun talk is playeddd I know it should be dead
.. ^^ but all this sounds catchy ? dont worry it'll get stuck in ur head
hang youself. slit ur wrist. swallow pills...kill yourself I dont care
but if ur shooting for the top...that won't work cuz U wont be there
i know your gay. act like you want pussy but'll u'll search for cock
when it comes to chicks .......well Te' Bags (~~ he gets that alot
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