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Old 10-06-06, 03:57 PM   #10
I Hurt.
Posts: 3,599

i'm airing you out.. when the flights over you gon here the sound
of everyone saying "roger that" dude flying to the ground
i fuck bitches homie, your just into scouting men
most RG's guard against sacks - your known to welcome them.


U wrote that shit quick as hell n I read that shit coughing, very awkard
If this how gay a Te' Key gets...then Barber needs to come out closet
I know you act hard. talk shit about me, but i get pussy often
while girls are like a unsolved cases to u...he cant put his finger on it
bullets, shells, clips....gun talk is playeddd I know it should be dead
.. ^^ but all this sounds catchy ? dont worry it'll get stuck in ur head
i know your gay. act like you want pussy but'll u'll search for cock
when it comes to chicks .......well Te' Bags (~~ he gets that alot

Te Ora came okay, not a bad verse, but not good enough for his competition. Most of his lines were executed well, but I'd seen them before. The nameplays were nice though. Roger came pretty decent. Tiki Barber coulda been worded better but still cool, Tee Bags was funny and the rest was quite nice.

Vote - Roger

Hit up the champ match fellas, thx
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