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Old 10-10-06, 07:09 PM   #14
Sean Gunner
GG Haterz
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Originally Posted by serbness
I wasn't looking at it as a fighter.

i was looking at how he does some brutal as shit and all that, and I do too for basketball.

and he was saying no way in chance he could perfom like that and eat un healthy.

and plus eating good helps alot.

liver, ur looks belive it or not. (1) pimples and shit come from gressy shit.
u wont be a fat lard. (2)
or a skinny fat person. - as dumb as that sounds their are alot.

(3)eating good helps ur system clear proper.

(4)although ima still do beers and prolly weed sometimes, but ima cut down on that too.

1. No, this is a myth. Acne comes from clogged pores and dead skin. Your body naturally cleans your face, but some people have worse skin then others. Like mine, I can not drink soda, no greasy food, and drink 4 gallons of water I'll still have acne because my body is not cleaning my face like it should. The dead skin clogs the pores which then results in the pores being irritated and holding bacteria, also known as acne.

2. Not true again, my english teacher is a vegetarian and you can't go wrong there, and she is still a pretty big woman. In order to be healthy you need a balance of food and exercise.

3. This is relatively true


4. This cancels number 3 out completely. Beer can be ok if it's one, but weed is completely stupid. No wonder you act so stupid, if you drink a lot and smoke weed, your brain cells have probably left so that they can survive. Half of all sports is mental, you have to be mentally able to concentrate and think quickly. Drinking slows your response, and weed does it x2. I knew a dude, really quick in basketball. Saw him after a summer of smoking weed and drinking a lot, kids speach and movements are so slow it's scary.

All in all, you can't go cold turkey. Sugar is like nicotene, it's addicting and your body needs it, which is worse. Your body naturally needs sugar and other things that people say is unhealthy. If you honestly want to be healthy, you need to stop drinking and smoking as well with your diet.

Though I can guaruntee you that you won't last. Instead of getting rid of it completely, give yourself snacks of it. Like, if you win a big game, or have a tough day, go get a regular hamburger from McDonalds with no cheese. If you have to have a soda then drink diet. Beer and weed is bad for you no matter what you do.

Originally Posted by Twisted Visions
50 nickle=less than 50 cent, go back to school you idiot
For Anyone Who Wants to Talk to Me

^^I think this explains my view on gangster rap perfectly.
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