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Old 10-14-06, 05:37 PM   #11
Te Ora
Light Weight
Posts: 263

- your verse just wasn't working for me. the gay jokes were lame, and lines like the 'title run' one just didn't work. i felt your closer and your 'tight end' line had some potential.. but were just done too basic.

- your verse was much better. i wasn't really feeling your first two sets, but your last two were pretty ight and more than enough to take out the win in this one. the 'forces / nike factory line' was cool but i didn't like how you went with a 1 sylabbel rhyme.




n ya girls a big target, i wouldnt b surprised if she get wifed tho
but she issssss a dime.. away from her next session of lipo
i didnt even try on this, but there aint need 4 whinin
i just came to run over TE like a good defensive lineman

v/ Flagrant
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