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Old 10-15-06, 02:50 PM   #3
Jack The Ripper
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Posts: 11,759

lol, that's fucked up that you put that DTH bar at the #1 punch, cuz there's no mole on her face,

And also lol @ saying I was trying to catch him unaware, I dropped on wednesday, that gives him 2 days, and it only takes 2 hours MAX to drop 60 lines. BTW, the real reason is cuz, by going 60 lines, we pretty much made a legendary battle.

But blah @ letting Stanza's and that other dude's vote count, those were the homo'ist votes ever. Shoulda been 3-3 and then you coulda made the tie break vote, not that it woulda made a differance cuz you woulda voted for him, but that's not the point! =\ Maybe the battle woulda got more votes if I had voted and kids rtf, wich is something I wanted to say, I was gonna vote this morning but you were too quick for me kemp, lol.

Btw, i'm prolly signing out soon, just to make up for all the times I didnt vote, i'll come by and vote on battles every week even if i'm not still in the league.

So chea, I just wanna thank DTH for that battle, it was pretty awesome, I think those were the best verses we've ever dropped. Well aside from my weedhead battle, that was gimmick. Anyways, congrats Trus, you earned it
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