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Old 10-16-06, 11:12 AM   #20
I Hurt.
Posts: 3,599

Votes So Far:

For Philly:
tony brown
eternal thoughts

For Spul:
david lama
n. tav
rush lingo
kempo mrk

Ken' Pho and Lampejo voted for Philly, but Spul stated before the battle started that neither could vote and they both recognized their votes would not count when voting.

Therefore, this battle is tied 5-5... I haven't voted yet so theoretically, I could vote right now and just decide this.

I think a better solution though would be to leave this open. I'm going to leave this open during the first week of the preseason and close it at the end of the week. That way, this should have plenty of votes and there should be a more distinctive winner.
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